Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011 - NaBloPoMo

I have decided to do NaBloPoMo again this year, as I seem to enjoy it every year and it sure is fun to look back on my old entries. Courtney encouraged me to do it, so here we are!
Yesterday was Halloween, although the celebration started for us on Friday when Tyson's company hosted a trick-or-treat party in their office. The boys love visiting daddy's work, and the fact that they got candy this time too was a big hit.

Each of the boys also got to have pajama day at school to celebrate Halloween. They both wanted to wear their costumes instead, but were easily convinced to wear their pajamas in order to get to go to the party at school with their friends.

Last night we went trick-or-treating with our friends, followed with a little more in our own neighborhood. Captain America and the dinosaur (sweet costume made by my mom!) had a great time!
After all the festivities were over last night, they boys dumped their candy out on the table, chose their seven favorite pieces (one piece a day for a week), and packaged the rest up to leave out for the candy fairy. She visits our house every year on Halloween and exchanges candy for a toy or game. The boys love it, and they are always excited to see what she brings!

They fell asleep almost instantly after a late, fun night and this morning they awoke to surprises from the candy fairy. Landon got a new Wii game and Coleson got a construction trucks set. Everyone was happy, and now instead of a huge bag of candy to fight over every hour for a month, we have one very small bowl and a piece of candy to eat every day at quiet time for a week. Much nicer.

All-in-all, a successful Halloween! And now the holidays are upon us. Oh my.

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