Wednesday, January 28, 2009

more than surviving

Tyson just took Landon to the children's museum (thank goodness for that family membership!) and I have some quiet time alone with Cole.  

Things are going pretty well.  I remember with Landon being so exhausted the first few days, and while I'm not exactly well-rested, I am doing more than barely functioning too.  Tyson and I wonder if it's because I am used to being sleep deprived (he's not functioning so great, but he's never really been on night duty like he is now) or if it's just really not so bad.  I won't lie, the first night with two kids was ROUGH, but last night was so much better.  Still not ideal - as in, Cole and I slept about half the night in the living room so we wouldn't wake everyone in the bedrooms when he cried - but it was doable.  

Landon is adjusting very well to having a little brother, and wants to hold him quite a bit.  When someone else is holding Cole and he starts to cry Landon comes running for me so I can help.  Landon tried to brush Cole's teeth this morning and also wanted him to eat French toast with us, but he's catching on to what babies can and can't do.    

Overall, I feel like things are going very well.  Now that I am saying that it all might fall apart, but for now I feel like we are doing more than merely surviving.

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