Saturday, November 1, 2008

November already

It's November already.  Wow.  Where did the past few months go?  Apparently they were consumed by moving, getting settled, being pregnant, and just life in general.  Halloween always feels like the start of the holiday season to me, so with that out of the way I guess we are heading full speed toward the holidays.  How exciting!

Landon had a blast trick-or-treating last night.  As suspected, he was a bit shy about actually saying anything to the people who opened doors but he did exclaim joyfully after most houses, "Candies!" while peering into his bucket to see his new loot.  He didn't get too much candy, which was great by us, and seemed to prefer suckers over most other things.  Now we just need to keep him from trying to go around the neighborhood every day asking for candy.  

Tyson let me sleep in this morning until 9:30 am (whoohoo!) and I am hoping to go knit today at a knit group too.  I have a sweater for Landon I need to finish, but I am not sure how to go about some of the seams.  Surely a yarn store owner can help, right?  All in all, it should be a great day.  I am going to go get ready now, before the calm house is disrupted by my guys coming home from Grammy and Papa's house.  

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