Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today I spent about two hours listening to and watching Landon play while Coleson napped. I love to watch his imagination come out in his play. He uses different voices for the various characters, comes up with dialogue, and often quotes movies, TV shows, and me with amazing accuracy. When he is so deeply engrossed in his play I try not to disturb him. Which is largely why my morning errands did not get run and he got to stay in his pajamas until almost noon. I just love what he comes up with and chooses to do with his toys. And my household items, for that matter. Today his favorite props were the pieces of my salad spinner, which served mostly as a race car driver helmet, but also as a fireman's air mask and a bike helmet. We even took it with us when we did finally go run errands and visit with friends. I feel like watching him play this deeply gives me a bit of insight into the way his brain works and the things he finds important. And, it makes me realize that I really need to be super-aware of what I say around him.

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